The teacher/performance coach-to-student-athlete ratio is critical to an 8th-grade enhancement year, whether on the training floor or in the classroom.
Most educational experiences operate on a ratio of 1:18+ (one teacher/performance coach to 18+ students).
While this may be fine for some situations, when it comes to core curriculum and technique training (such as strength training), Parisi Academy does not believe this higher ratio will achieve the goals we set for our student-athletes.
For this reason, we cap our core curriculum and technique training to a ratio of 1:12 (one teacher/performance coach to 12 students).
All student-athletes, even the best and brightest, have challenges. Such challenges can occur on the training floor, mastering core curriculum, personal growth, maturity, or just simply a rough period in their social circle. By having a low ratio of teacher/performance coach to student-athlete, the Parisi Academy staff has the time to get to know each student personally, recognize such challenges and address them in structured opportunities such as Learning Lab and/or individually when needed. Our staff has provided many student-athletes with mini-session training and education, academic tutoring and re-test opportunities, mentoring, and problem resolution.
How Parisi Academy Achieves Our Ratio
Our one-and-only location at the Parisi Speed School in Fairlawn, NJ, accepts a maximum of 24 students per academic year. We split student-athletes for core and some other curricula into two classes. We strive to group these classes into one faster-paced and challenging and the other slower paced with more individualized attention. Two performance coaches lead the technical training sessions to ensure individualized instruction.
Do Not Waste the Opportunity
The Parisi Academy is committed to the idea and reality of an “enhancement” year for our student-athletes. As a parent, we hope you will demand no less from any program you consider. All aspects of the year are equally important to the future success of an athlete’s career.
When considering a program, dig deep! Ask the hard questions about ratio, training methodology, curriculum plans, individualized attention, and the program’s approach to personal growth. An enhancement year is a financial commitment for parents and a social commitment for student-athletes . . . shouldn’t your goal be to get the absolute maximum benefit?
We invite you to take a tour of the Parisi Academy. Prospective student-athletes are invited to spend a day with us to get the full experience of what the Parisi Academy is all about, including experiencing the training.