Whether our student-athletes are first-year 8th graders or re-classing 8th grade, it is most likely an opportunity beyond anything they will ever experience again. It is a year of growth that allows for individual expression, challenges, physical and mental maturing, self-recognition, friendly competition, and fun.
From an academic standpoint, the Parisi Academy is not bound by rigid curriculum requirements. This freedom allows us to focus on the whole student-athlete. Of course, we take our core curriculum of mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies very seriously. But, beyond this foundation, we are also focused on the growth of our student-athletes personally during this formative time.
Our curriculum provides opportunities for personal growth and responsibility, leadership, teamwork, public speaking and presentations, critical thinking, etc. In addition, our Project Lab allows our student-athletes to integrate all of their learning into applied projects that are interesting and fun.
From a training perspective, the age of 13 to 14 is when an athlete’s body is at a critical stage of development. Because our training is not focused on sports-specific skills, we can provide our student-athletes with education and training to set the foundation for the rest of their lives, regardless of their sport.
Our 30-year proven training program focuses on creating more injury-resilient athletes. This goal is supported by our initial assessment screening using the cutting-edge Sparta Force Platform—which is utilized by the NFL, NBA, MLB, and US Special Forces—and other insightful screening tests. In addition to creating more injury-resilient athletes, our training program is proven to increase speed, strength, and overall movement mechanics, which is essential for the success of any great athlete.
See for Yourself
We invite you to take a tour of the Parisi Academy. Prospective student-athletes are invited to spend a day with us to get the full experience of what the Parisi Academy is all about, including experiencing the training.